Why do I have to pay a booking fee and how much is it?

I require that you pay a booking fee because once we have agreed on a date I lock my schedule to ensure I make time available for you.

My schedule remains open and our date is not confirmed nor will I show up until I recieve the booking fee.

The booking fee is 20% of your date package.


Is the booking fee refundable?

No. Once I recieve the booking fee I lock my schedule. This means I cannot book anything on or over our time together. If you cancel, I then locked my schedule without cause.


Why do I have to send photos of my ID/Passport and of myself?

I require a clear photo of your ID/Passport, a secondary form of ID, and a photo of you holding your ID/Passport.

These photos are meant to confirm your identity.

This is for my safety to ensure you are who you say you are. I must verify you prior to confirming our time together.


How do I pay?

I am currently only accepting CashApp, Bitcoin, YouPay and Throne for all booking fees.

And Cash for the remainder owed the day of our date.


What is PSE?

PSE stands for Porn Star Experience. PSE requires additional blood screening prior to our scheduled date. All screening must be no older than a week before our date.

If you do not test, your date will be canceled. If you fail your test, you will be lowered to the standard date package.


When and why is there a rush fee?

I love same day appointments but there is still a limit on how quickly we can meet.

As I have to verify you quickly and there is more strain on my schedule, there is an extra fee for all same day appointments scheduled 4 hours or less in advance.

PSE dates are NOT typically available sameday.

Can I add extra time?

Yes! If you feel that none of my packages give us enough time together, please feel free to add any requests for additional time in the comments section of the contact form.